संवाद स्व से समस्त On 8th March 2018, International Women’s Day


 ‘संवाद’ स्व से समस्त on International Women’s Day on 8th March 2018. we have received an overwhelmingly positive response and we feel that all of us were lucky to have had the chance of partaking in the life experiences of the encouraging speakers and being part of this amazing journey. For us it is of great importance to inspire youth to abandon their doubts and fears and to travel the path for an equal and just society, as brought up in the talks by: SIMRAN SHAIKH – Trans Activist, she expressed her life journey, how she didn’t...

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“Rising Hatred and Intolerance”
Dr. Vibhuti Patel


संवाद on “Rising Hatred and Intolerance’ with Dr. Vibhuti Patel Another series of Samvad went with a positive and enthusiastic response from participant as well as from our speaker. Dr Vibhuti Patel Sharing  her vision on “Rising Hatred and Intolerance” was extremely inspirational and has given all of us an opportunity to reflect. The way she had made it interactive and her exhaustively detailing out the every aspect of the construction. It was one of the best sessions so far in terms of interaction with the participants and their involvement considering the...

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“Reservation and Student Movement”
Manishi Jani


संवाद on ‘Reservation and Student Movement’ with Manishi Jani Manishi Jani a Dalit movement activist  spoke on the topic of ‘Student movements and reservation in Indians educational system’. The reservation in India was design with the intention that it help provide Indians  vulnerable citizen a helping hand. It was a intense discussion, participant brought many questions after question to the attention of the room. Manishi Jani field most questions, but often the participants addressed each other as well. Even after the event they had a officially that...

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“Roles of State & Market in Democracy”
Hemantkumar Shah.


संवाद on “Roles of State & Market in Democracy” with Hemantkumar Shah He is a Professor at H.K. Arts College in Ahmedabad.Spoke to an attentive crowd about the role of democracy and state governance on the “free” market. His talk covered a wide array of topics, from wealth distribution and inequality to basic human rights, to Indian patriotism, to the concepts of religion and culture. All the while, his central theme revolved around the ‘state’ as a construction of society but also as a thing with power and influence, impacting the daily lives...

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“Alternative Education”
Rewa Dandage


संवाद on “Alternative Education” with Rewa Dandage On Saturday, 9th July 2016 Olakh launched ‘Samvad’, a series of intense dialogues with inspirational people who are marching towards transforming their vision of a humane society into reality. Our guest speaker Reva Dandage (Co-Founder of Swaraj University, Udaipur) shared her vision of challenging the mainstream education and co-founding Swaraj University to translate this idea into practice. Her talk was extremely inspirational and has given all of us an opportunity for mutual learning. It was very...

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संवाद स्व से समस्त on 8th March, 2017 International Women’s Day.


Once again Olakh team along with local enthusiastic youth groups  came together to celebrate  second  संवाद स्व से समस्त on 8th March, 2017, International Women’s Day. We were very fortunate to witness revolutionaries and visionaries sharing their passionate journeys with us.    Abha and Vibhuti This Samvad introduced us to the life stories of Abha and Vibhuti, how they fought the patriarchal mindsets and opened the doors of freedom for them, by standing with their thoughts and strong will, to fight for them to live independently and fulfil their dreams...

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