One Billion Rising
A Global Movement to Stop Violence against Women and Girls
According to UN-statistics, 1 in 3 women globally will be beaten, raped or otherwise violated in her lifetime. One Billion Rising (OBR) was launched internationally by Eve Ensler, American playwright and founder of V-Day, as a global movement to end gender-based violence. The campaign is a global strike which takes place on 14th February, Valentine’s Day aiming to sensitize men and women on the issue across countries and cultures. While 2014’s theme centered on rising for JUSTICE, calling upon people to Strike, Rise, Dance and demand JUSTICE, in 2015 we rose in REVOLUTION. Here you can find our latest report on OBR 2015 and last year’s report on OBR 2014!
20 Days of Activism
International Fortnight Campaign to End Violence against Women and Girls
Every year, across the world, an international fortnightly campaign is held with the aim to stop gender-based violence. It connects the International Day to Eliminate Violence against Women (25th November) with Human Rights Day (10th December), proclaiming that women’s rights are human rights, once and for all. In the Indian context, the campaign has been extended till 16th December to commemorate the brutal Delhi gang rape in 2012. These 20 days are usually filled with activities on different themes and issues related to women and girls.
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