Light your Lamp for Peace on 30th November 2015

Posted in Recent Programs


“Peace for me is breaking the wall between You and I, Them and Us.

We need to celebrate our diversity rather than creating new divides.”

– Olakh volunteer


On 30th November 2015, in solidarity with women’s groups across South Asia, 20 young activists came together at the Olakh office to share their vision of a peaceful and just society and their perception of what everyone of us can do to create such a world. Together we pledged for peace since – using Mahatma Gandhi’s words – you have to “be the change that you wish to see in the world”.

14“I promise – Never to abuse, hit, isolate, insult or trivialize any wo_man and girl.Never to remain silent when violence is inflicted on me or others. To intervene wherever and whenever I see or hear about violence being committed.”

To pay a tribute to South Asian women feminists we ended the day with the symbolic lighting of candles, put up in a peace sign.