Imagine the front row of an auditorium: renowned persons of Vadodara, our sisters from the slums, physically challenged women and our third gender friends sitting next to each other without any inhibitions, laughing and applauding together throughout the movie.
We organized the Vadodara Premiere of ‘Kajarya’, a mainstream movie on female infanticide and the social discrimination all Indian wo_men face in their lives. An audience of over 600 people from diverse social and professional backgrounds, among them Madhureeta Anand (Filmmaker ‘Kajarya’), Abha Bhaiya (National Coordinator, OBR) and other inspiring personalities, was present to be part of the ‘Kajarya’ journey.
The audience got a chance to interact with Madhureeta and other panelists during a subsequent discussion in which well thought questions such as “What is the role of the system towards the issue of female infanticide?” were asked.
With regards to the overwhelmingly positive feedback and our aim to raise awareness for the issues which were brought up in the movie, more than ever we feel that it is important to bring the movie across Gujarat to diverse and marginalized groups, especially reaching out to the poor and uneducated.
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